April 2018 garden clippings

Lori Schanche
April 1, 2018

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News

This Month's News...

Next meeting: April 16, 2018

New meeting location for the 2018 Club year: Yamhill Valley Heritage Center

11275 SW Durham Road at Hwy 18 McMinnville OR 97128

(east side of hwy, large buildings, middle entrance)

This Month’s Speaker

By Jan Clay

Heather Richards, Planning Director, City of McMinnville will return (as we requested) to continue to update us regarding additions, improvements and future plans for McMinnville.

Future meeting Dates: 

  • March 19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 18
  • June 24
  • Garden Tour & Faire 2018!

Upcoming Events

  • April 07 – Fundraiser for the Community Garden, Walnut City Wineworks, 12-5 p.m.
  • April 9 – Board meeting at Donna’s house, 2 p.m.
  • April 12 – Nursery Trip with Ann Silverthorn
  • April 16 – Monthly Meeting! Yamhill Valley Heritage Center, 9:30-12 p.m.
  • April 17 – Pioneer District crafting group, meet at Patty’s at 10 a.m. to plant pot.
  • April 19 -District Luncheon at Mac in Michelbook CC, cost $24 to Donna P.
  • April 23 – 3rd Street Cleanup, C0-op Ministries Parking Lot, 9:30 a.m.  Jan Clay
  • April 25 – Crafts! Painted Rocks at Patty’s 10 a.m. -noon

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE  – April 2018 Elaine P.

You reap what you sow. This statement can be interpreted both literally and figuratively.

Literally, we are gardeners. We sow. We reap edibles and ornamentals.

Although snowflakes keep appearing, we know it will be spring any day now. Soon the soil will be dry enough and warm enough to begin planting.

Here in McMinnville, I have been sowing plants I have trouble reaping. I have had no success with delphiniums or daphnes and have given up on them. I also kept trying to grow peppers, melons and pumpkins. No longer. They take up too much space and effort for the puny fruits I sometimes managed to produce. It is easier to go to Draper’s or the Farmer’s Market or even the grocery store. Sweet potatoes have so far been a complete failure. Those I am trying yet again. On the other hand, I reap far more tomatoes, beans, squash and cucumbers than I can use. One day I will learn how to preserve my bountiful harvest. Until that day comes, I give the excess to YCAP.

Figuratively, our actions have consequences. If we do not consider all the ramifications beforehand, often the consequences are unintended. Generally, good intentions reap good results. If you smile at someone, they usually smile back. Those of us that went on the YCAP repack really enjoyed the experience. We went to help others and unexpectedly had a lot of fun.

This year’s Garden Tour’s theme is aptly named “Scatter Seeds of Kindness”. We will use the money earned to give back to our community. We give scholarships to deserving horticultural students and sponsor local beautification projects. We designed, planted and maintain the West End. We maintain the Post Office and take care of the indoor plants at the library. We have made donations to the Community Garden. We pay for the hanging plants at the entrance to Joe Dancer Park. However, we have not began a new project for a few years now. We have the money. We need an idea. Please help. We have a projects committee. Share any ideas you may have.


Lori Schanche: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor

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