April 2023 garden clippings

Patty Sorensen
April 1, 2023

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News

This Month's News...

2022-23 Garden Club Board:

  • Adele O’Neal– President
  • Deb Smith – Vice President
  • Charlene Drake – Treasurer
  • Elaine Pollak – Secretary

Club Meetings Location

Our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in McMinnville on 2nd & Cowls.
Social time: 9:30-10 Business Meeting: 10-10:45 Speaker 11-12. JOIN US!

Dates to Remember 2023

  • April 20 Pioneer District Spring Meeting in McMinnville
  • April 24 Annual Third Street Cleanup. Mark your calendars! More info next month.
  • June 10 Tour Pretour in AM for workers
  • June 11 Garden Tour/Faire 2023
  • June 12-14 OSFGC Annual Convention in Wilsonville

President’s Message:

 Okay, enough already with the snow, I want to get out in the dirt! 

We have so much going on in April, but it is exciting and I am looking forward to all the events. Members are helping with the upcoming Pioneer District Spring Meeting to be held at the Heritage Center on April 20. We are partnering with the Oregon Camellia Society, but our club (Elaine Pollak!) has done the majority of the organization and her team is doing a great job planning the decorations and treats/food for the event. 

On April 22, Earth Day, we will be partnering with a Boy Scout Troop to do the Post Office 

clean up. Two days later, we will be doing the Third Street Cleanup! Way to go McMinnville Garden Club! Thank you, Patty Sorensen for coordinating both of these events! 

The nominating committee has been talking with members about serving in the President and Vice President roles. Those members will be nominated at the April meeting, elected at the May meeting and installed at the June meeting. Secretary and Treasurer will continue for another year. 2 

And of course, the premiere events, the Garden Tour and Garden Faire will be held on June 11! I am so proud of all the committees who have been working on these events. I have been talking with people about them and they are looking forward to attending. 

The next day, June 12, is the first day of the OSFGC annual convention in Wilsonville. I know several of us will be attending, and I am looking forward to it; it is my first! 

Have a happy day! 
Adele O’Neal


Patty Sorensen: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor

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