This Month's News...
2022-23 Garden Club Board:
- Elaine Pollak – President
- Kay Fitkin – Vice President
- Charlene Drake – Treasurer
- Dian Berg – Secretary
Our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in McMinnville on 2nd & Cowls.
Social time: 9:30-10 Business Meeting: 10-10:45 Speaker 11-12.
Dates to Remember 2023-24
- September 14 Board meeting. 10 am at Katy Fitkin’s Contact Elaine if you wish to attend. We will be discussing the website. Specific suggestions are welcome.
- September 18 Start of our new club meetings at the First Presbyterian Church. Social time: 9:30, Meeting and Activities: 10+
- October 2: Arts & Crafts. Pumpkin Arrangements. See paragraph below for details.
- October 16 Club Meeting Topic: Help us grow The Plastic Project, Jeri White Linda Werner
- November 20 Club Meeting
- December 18 Club Meeting
New Officers Installed
Congratulations to our 2023-25 officers. We look forward to your leadership for the next 2 years. Kay F. was unable to attend the June meeting where the installation occurred. She will be installed at our September meeting.

Dian, Charlene, Elaine
President’s Corner
It has been a delightful summer. I hope all have been enjoying time with family and friends, traveling, and working and relaxing in your gardens.
The weather cooperated this year to help make the Tour and Faire a huge success. However; the real success of the Tour and Faire was accomplished because of the dedication of the many volunteers. Kudos to Ruth and Mike for their tireless efforts year after year to produce a marvelous Garden Faire. Thank you. And thank you to Linda, Ann, and Cozette for stepping up to chair the Garden Tour this year. And lastly, thank you to the many, many others who served on the committees and worked in the gardens and at the Faire. We could not have achieved a successful Tour and Faire without YOU and we truly appreciate you.
Because of our efforts we can continue to offer scholarships and continue our work on the Serenity Garden.
So enjoy the rest of the summer. September will be here soon. I look forward to seeing everyone at our meetings and activities as we continue to work together to serve our community.
Dear Club Members,
I hope you are all enjoying your summer but, Fall is on the horizon and the start of our meetings. We don’t want you to miss out, so please make sure that your dues are in. Dues are
$25 per person and $40 per couple. This also ensures that your name will stay in the
directory. If you are unsure whether you have paid please feel free to contact me at either 909- 215-0849 or [email protected] and I will check my files.
Charlene Drake, Treasurer
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IPNC – International Pinot Noir Celebration (IPNC)– July 2023
We want to send a special thank you to all of the 14 members who volunteered at the IPNC event on July 28th and 29th at Linfield College. We provided preparation and cleanup each day for the Grand Seminars (about 500 participants daily). And some were able to listen to the amazing speakers on “Visions for the Future” theme about climate change, sustainable initiatives, innovation to improve agriculture and the wine industry footprint.
We received a donation in the amount of $500 which will be allocated to the Serenity Garden.
Members Tour Ireland
Several of our members joined a group of the local Soroptimists on a tour of Ireland. A great time was had by all. They returned with many memories, ideas, and friends.

Good Eats by Betty Ballentine
Apple and Blackberry Marmalade Crumble
Crumble topping ingredients:
- 1/3 C flour
- 1/3 C whole wheat flour
- ½ t baking powder
- 4 T dark brown sugar
- 2/3 C nuts, finely chopped
- ½ C Irish oatmeal 1 T marmalade
- 4 T cold butter
Other ingredients for fruit mixture are in the instructions.

Make topping first. Combine ingredients above, adding butter last and working it in until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
Meanwhile, make fruit mixture in a saucepan by adding 3 ½ T sugar,
zest and juice of one orange, and bringing to a boil until it reaches a light brown color. Add 8 ounces of fresh peeled and thinly sliced apple (granny smith or pippin), cover and cook until apples are tender. Remove from heat and add 1 ½ C blackberries.
Transfer fruit mixture to an ovenproof dish and sprinkle crumble mixture on top. Bake another 15 minutes until crisp and brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves 6.
Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash
Membership Update
Several attendees at the Tour/Faire expressed interest in finding out more about our club. Please welcome Barb Hilty at our September meeting. She joined us over the summer!
Tour 2023 Success ! – Linda H. & team
Thank You and Congratulations to all the Committee leaders and team volunteers for a very successful Garden Tour / Faire this year. The weather was very cooperative and beautiful for this fun annual fundraiser event.

Drum roll: we sold 672 tickets (goal 500 tickets) and the Garden Tour was a great success! All guests enjoyed visiting the beautiful gardens this year. And, the Faire was very busy and everyone had a great time.
For your information, below are the financial highlights for the 2023 Garden Tour and Faire:
- Gross income: $12,633.17 (Tour: $6,783.17 Faire: $ 5,850)
- Total expenses: $2,646.18
- Net Income: $10,986.99
- Seed Money for 2024: $986.99
THANK YOU TO ALL THE AMAZING VOLUNTEERS participating in this year’s Garden Tour and Faire. So grateful for everyone’s support and sharing your time and many talents.
2024 Garden Tour: Sunday – June 9, 2024 (Mark your Calendars)
We are excited to announce the Co-Chairs for the 2024 Garden Tour: Linda Hansen and Colleen Moxley.
At this time, we continue to diligently search for Gardens. Please share your garden recommendations for 2024 with Dorothea Lee (email: [email protected] or cell: 503.720.9589).
And, we are looking for Art to be selected for the Garden Tour and Faire Poster. Please share your creativity and/or network with your creative family and friends. Targeted deadline is
September 5th. Please email Colleen and Linda.
More information will be forthcoming about the planning of 2024 Garden Tour and Faire and volunteer opportunities.
Serenity Garden Update
We are making some exciting progress at the Garden. The contemporary metal art piece donated by the McMinnville Arts Commission was placed on site with the help of My Hauler With Claw. It stands stately at the top of the berm.

Phase 1 of the Entry Arch has also been installed.. Thanks to Jan C. for her leadership and locating Matt, the artist. Be on the lookout for the 2 more additions to it!
Our gravel area with a pagoda donated by Marilyn Coats should be completed in the next month. Looking forward to having all three focal points installed! Next is to locate funds for a RED metal bench and to add more plants this Fall including DAFFODILS!!
The island near the entry was cleared of daylilies and is now planted with some perennials that should grow to fill the area. Thanks to the SG CORE team for their help with planting and watering.
We are going to need to take a more active approach to requesting donations. The cement sidewalk area needs to go in next and it is a BIG ticket item. If you’d like to help us with this task, please let Patty know. We’d love to have you on the team!
West End Cleanup
A dedicated group of members showed up on Tuesday, August 1st, to trim, pull weeds and do a general cleanup of our West End Project. Thanks! It sure is looking great…….
Post Office Update
On Thursday, August 3rd, some energetic members gathered at the Post Office to clean and trim our area. We have not had a coordinator for several years and our efforts have been sporadic. The sign in front of the Post Office states, “Maintained by the McMinnville Garden Club” and the condition of the grounds reflect back on us.
Would anyone (or two) like to become coordinator(s)? It is an easy job. You monitor the condition; just announce the date and time 3-4 times a year and club members will show up to help gather supplies and accomplish the tasks. If you are interested let me know at [email protected].
Thank you in advance.
Chamber of Commerce Update
Our attendance at this fun event has been limited this summer with so many of us busy on Fridays. Hopefully, more of our members will be able to attend future Friday Greeters gatherings held every Friday from 8 – 9am with locations varying weekly. Location announcements will be in the newsletter. The Chamber of Commerce calendar shows locations about 3 weeks out. The event runs from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. every Friday.
- August 11 FirCrest Senior Living, 213 Fircrest Drive
- August 18 Oregon State Credit Union, 170 NE 12th St.
- August 25 ShoeBox Taxes, 1133 SW Baker Street, Suite B
Open Gate – Janis Stoven
What is Open Gate?
Answer: Members inviting members to visit their garden.
Why: It’s interesting, educational, inspiring to see what others have done, fun to meet new members, and gain new ideas.
When: You know your garden. When would be a good time to invite visitors so we can celebrate your gardening efforts?
To volunteer your garden, contact Janis Stoven to establish a day and time. She will visit your garden and compose a descriptive overview followed by an email to all members.
Congrats to our Scholarship Winners!

We look forward to following your future plans!
Avery, Leanna, and Allison
Arts & Crafts – Kirsten Browne/Colleen Moxley
Hello! Our October craft project will be making Autumn Succulent Pumpkin arrangements. They are beautiful, long-lasting, and when pumpkin season is over consider planting your pumpkin into your succulent garden!

A signup sheet will be at the September 18th meeting or call Kirsten (619)944-0409 to be added the list.
Materials supplied: succulents, moss, seeds, pods, dried buds, coffee, tea
When: Monday, October 2 Time: 10:00-12:00ish
Where: Colleen’s place, 15548 NW Orchard View Road Cost: $5
Bring: a pumpkin and mug
* Optional: Treats to share and/or additional seasonal embellishments for your arrangement or to share.
Free Plants
Thelma Nelson wants to simplify her yard. She has Shasta Daisies and Irises that need to be given away. September, when the ground is wet, would be the best time to dig them up. If you are interested, give her a call.
Thelma Nelson
Websites to Explore
- National Garden Club
- Pacific Region National Garden Club
- Oregon State Garden Club
- Pioneer District Website
- Yamhill County Master Gardeners
- McMinnville Community Garden
- Serenity Garden
- Cascade Nursery Trail
- Hydrangeas Help During Heat
- Freezing Tomatoes
- McMinnville Dine-Out