This Month's News...
2022-23 Garden Club Board
- Adele O’Neal– President
- Deb Smith – Vice President
- Charlene Drake – Treasurer
- Elaine Pollak – Secretary
Meeting Location
Our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in McMinnville on 2nd & Cowls.
Social time: 9:30-10 Business Meeting: 10-10:45 Speaker 11-12. JOIN US!
Dates to Remember 2023
- February 6 Arts & Crafts at Colleen M.’s. See info below.
- February 20 Club Meeting – Carly Hilton “Backyard Birds”
- February 23 Field Trip to the Portland Home & Garden Show Contact Ann Silverthorne
- March 13 OSFGC Spring Board Meeting via Zoom. 9:30 AM
- March 20 Club Meeting – Carol Adelman “Growing Gorgeous Peonies”
- April 20 Pioneer District Spring Meeting in McMinnville
- April 24 Annual Third Street Cleanup. Mark your calendars! More info next month.
- June 10 Tour Pretour in AM for workers
- June 11 Garden Tour/Faire 2023
- June 12-14 OSFGC Annual Convention in Wilsonville
President’s Message
Happy February!
Adele O’Neal
I was thinking the other day about how lucky I am to be a member of such an active garden club! Here are a few of the reasons I enjoy the club:
- We are meeting in person again
- Because we are meeting in person, it is easier to get to know each other
- Our guest speakers give us great information about gardening, our community, and the planet
- There are a lot of members in our club who are active
- We have fun arts and crafts events to attend
- The Open Gate events, which started in 2022, are fun and give us another reason to be together
- The club does a lot for the community through scholarships and beautification projects
These are just some of the reasons I feel we have a wonderful club, hopefully, you all have more reasons to belong to the club and participate in the meetings and events!
Another reason is the members are gardeners and don’t mind getting their hands dirty! As the weather gets warmer and we are all out “playing in the dirt” be thinking about the club and what events you want to have and how you can help make these events successful and fun. It takes all of us doing just a little bit to make it GREAT!