July 2024 garden clippings

Patty Sorensen
July 19, 2024

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News


2024 Garden Club Board

Elaine Pollak


Elaine Pollak 1
Kay Fitkin

Vice President

Kay Fitkin 1
Charlene Drake
Dian Berg


Dian Berg


Dates to Remember

July 22, 9:30amOPEN GATE Sandy Sutherland - 3698 NE Jacob St
July 22, 10:15amOPEN GATE Patty Sorensen - 1883 NW Charles Street
July 26/27International Pinot Noir Festival Contact Linda H. about volunteering please. Click for info.
August 12, 10amExecutive Board at Dian B.’s.
August 25Deadline for September newsletter submissions to Patty S.
September 9, 10amExecutive Board TBD
September 16, 9:30amGarden Club Meeting
September 30, 10amPost Office Cleanup. Bring gloves, clippers and loppers.

September Meeting

join us and watch us grow

There will be no speaker for our September 15 meeting. Instead, we will play a game, socialize a lot, and discuss our upcoming year. Rest, relax, and enjoy the summer, ready to go in September. Remember, “Join Us and Watch Us Grow”. We have and we will.

summertime, summertime

Presidents Corner

Elaine Pollak 1

Elaine Pollak

McMinnville Garden Club President

“Summertime and the living is easy”.

These words from Porgy and Bess have often been running through my mind lately. I have taken pity on mankind and refrained from bursting into song when others were nearby.

As a child growing up about 30 miles northeast of McMinnville, summertime living was easy. The rain stopped around the Fourth of July. School was out and our days were filled with playing outdoors, running through sprinklers, blowing bubbles and picnics. In my memories the sun was always shining, and the temperature was just right. Mt. Hood was always covered with snow as was Mt. St. Helens. (My childhood was long before any volcanic activity and Mt. St. Helens was visible and looked like a giant ice cream cone.) Forest fires were rare and far away.

And the winters in my memories did not have ice storms. Sometimes it would snow but mostly the sky was overcast and gloomy. The gloomy winters drove me away.

I have lived in and outside of San Francisco; in Vienna, Austria, and for decades outside of Washington D. C. When I retired, I returned to Oregon. I came for the mild weather.

Many things have changed in 60 years. It doesn’t rain as much. Mt. Hood becomes a giant rock. McMinnville used to raise turkeys and walnuts. Now it is “Wine Country “ surrounded with groves of hazelnuts. (They were filberts back in my youth). And the summers are definitely warmer.

We are currently struggling to maintain our outdoor plants. Those that survived the ice storm of January are now threatened by the high temperatures of July. Hopefully we will not lose old friends that we have nurtured for so long. The sliver of a silver lining is the enormous variety of cultivars now available if any plants need to be replaced.

The weather is still milder. The last two Tour and Faires have enjoyed almost perfect weather. We do have our occasional extremes. But they are rarer here than in so many other places.

So, it is summertime! Let’s run through the sprinkler and blow some bubbles! Soon we need to return to Garden Club duties. Make the most of the easy living.

happy happy



August 01:  Gigi

August 10:  Jennifer O.

August 11:  Peter

August 17:  Janet D.

August 18:  Brenda

August 31:  Mary W.

Happy Birthday graphic showing a chick emerging from its egg.

Good Eats!

Betty Ballentine
Zucchini Fritters

  • 2 C grated zucchini, remove moisture with paper towel
  • 1 C ricotta cheese
  • ½ C crumbled feta cheese
  • ¼ C chopped fresh dill
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • ½ C flour
  • 2 eggs

Salt and pepper to taste.

Zucchini Fritters Horizontal

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add olive oil to skillet, medium heat. Drop spoonfuls of batter and flatten with a spatula. Fry 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Drain on paper towel. May top with a bit of sour cream.



Charlene Drake

Dear Members, even though it is summer please keep in mind that dues are due to continue your membership. During the summer your payment can be mailed to:

McMinnville Garden Club, PO Box #386, McMinnville, OR 97128.

They are $25 per person or $40 per couple.

Even though I will be accepting payments during the meetings when we start up again in September, keep in mind that payment by the September meeting may be necessary to keep your name in the club directory. This is especially important if you think that you may miss the September meeting.

Thanks, much. Have a great summer and I hope to see you all in September.

International Pinot Noir Celebration (IPNC)

Linda Hansen

The Garden Club has again been invited to support the IPNC team at the Grand Seminar Speakers Event on July 26th and 27th (7:45 am – 1:15 pm) this year. We will ask for volunteers to sign up and support the greeting of visitors, set up and cleanup of the seminar three (3) rooms located at Linfield College. In exchange we will receive a $500 donation.

We still need a total of 8-10 volunteers for each of the two shifts on Friday, June 26.

  • First Shift: 7:45am – 9:30am (Greet visitors and setup) And, If interested, you can stay and listen to the very interesting event Speakers.
  • Second Shift: 11:45am – 1:15am (Organize cleanup and will have college students helping with the heavy lifting).

PLEASE contact Linda Hansen asap to help.

Thank you to the volunteers who have signed up and you should have received an email of your confirmation of date and shift. More information will be shared when received by IPNC.

2024 Garden Tour and Faire


Thank You and congratulations to all the Committee leaders and team volunteers for a very successful Garden Tour / Faire this year. The weather was very cooperative and beautiful for this fun annual fundraiser event.

Drum roll: we sold 747 tickets (previous year sold 672) and the Garden Tour was a great success! All guests enjoyed visiting the beautiful gardens this year. In addition, the Garden owners enjoyed hosting their magnificent gardens and partnering with the Garden Club greeting visitors. And, the Faire was very busy and everyone had a great time.

THANK YOU TO ALL THE AMAZING VOLUNTEERS participating in this year’s Garden Tour and Faire. So grateful for everyone’s support and sharing your time and many talents.

Mark your Calendars for the 2025 Garden Tour: Sunday – June 8, 2025

At this time, the Board is looking for members to volunteer for the Co-Leader(s) position for the 2025 Garden Tour. We have many interested Committee Leaders returning for next year.

Also, the search for Gardens to showcase continues. Please share your garden recommendations for 2025 with Dorothea Lee.

More information will be forthcoming about the planning of 2025 Garden Tour and Faire and volunteer opportunities.

Serenity Garden

Update: Patty Sorensen

Thanks to the team of members who helped stain the gazebo. It took three sessions, but it looks BEAUTIFUL! AND thanks to Jan Clay for the use of her building! HOPEFULLY we will proceed with the construction of it on August 17 by the Mac Leadership team. Those participating in the pottery project will be meeting August 2 and 23. Fun! We will be also be scheduling a cleanup date in August. Please help.

Garden Club Plastics Project

Beth Frischmuth & Adele O'Neal Co-Chairs

Check out the list is on the Zero Waste McMinnville website.

Thank you to the members who brought their plastic recycling to the meetings in the Spring! We took 25 bags of plastic to the June 15 collection event at the First Baptist Church. Zero Waste broke their record by collecting 112 bags (and not grocery bags!) equaling 1,407 pounds of plastic at the June event! This evidently is a 30% increase over what they collected in February. Let’s see if we can help them increase that again at the October collection event. Please bring your clean, project appropriate, and sorted plastic to the September Garden Club meeting.

During July and August, we are still collecting plastic, just in a different way. Lisa Binner has graciously volunteered to let members bring their plastic to her home during the two months we don’t have meetings. Please email Lisa to make arrangements with her to bring it over to her home. Remember, the plastic MUST be clean and sorted by number. If you have questions, please let Lisa, Adele or Beth know and we will assist you, or you can check out the list of acceptable plastics on the Zero Waste McMinnville website.

Starting again in September at the Garden Club meeting, we will continue to collect clean, sorted plastic from the members at each meeting. We will start having more educational materials and maybe even a program talking about ways to reuse, refuse, and recycle plastic. This committee is all about education and knowledge so we can all do our part not only for our members, but for our region. Thank you for your continued support! We will see you and your bag(s) of plastic at the meeting in September!

First Federal Volunteer Hours

Kay Fitkin

As of July 2, 2024, the McMinnville Garden Club has submitted 165 hours of volunteer time to the First Federal Rewards Program. Each participating club can submit a maximum of 250 hours.

The entire First Federal program has collected to date 8,200 hours and will close when they reach 10,000 hours.

So, time is running out to submit your volunteer hours. Remember to submit yours!

****Be sure to check out the News Register, July 16 edition for an article about the State Master Gardeners’ “Behind the Scenes” award given to Rita Canales. Congratulations!

Post Office Project

Kim Morley-Franklin

Wanted: Hearty Ice Plant Starts for the Post Office

If anyone has some brightly colored plantings of Ice Plant in their yard, that we can root for the post office, please contact either Kim or Lynelle.

We can cut the starts for you if you would prefer.

Wanted: Post Office Clean Up Volunteers

Scheduled for September 30, Monday at 10:00. Please bring gloves, hand clippers and loppers. Call Kim or Lynelle if interested.





Red Helenium flowers in summer.

How Lovely Is the Silence of Growing Things.

Evan Dicken


Patty Sorensen: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor


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Counting Seeds