June 2023 garden clippings

Patty Sorensen
June 1, 2023

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News

This Month's News...

2022-23 Garden Club Board:

  • Adele O’Neal– President       
  • Deb Smith – Vice President
  • Charlene Drake – Treasurer
  • Elaine Pollak – Secretary

Our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in McMinnville on 2nd & Cowls.

Social time: 9:30-10 Business Meeting: 10-10:45 Speaker 11-12.


Dates to Remember 2023

  • June 10 Tour Pretour in AM for workers
  • June 11 Garden Tour/Faire 2023
  • June 12-14 Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs Annual Convention in Wilsonville
  • June 19 Club Meeting/Lunch/Installation of 2023-2025 Officers:
    • Elaine Pollack – President
    • Kay Fitkin – Vice President
    • Dian Berg – Secretary
    • Charlene Drake – Treasurer

President’s Message – Adele O’Neal

Greetings Garden Club Members,

It has been a busy Spring, and it is so nice that the weather has started to cooperate a bit!

We have a lot going on in June in the Garden Club! The Garden Tour and Faire are only a couple of weeks away on June 11! I’m looking forward to seeing all the gardens at the Pre-Tour meeting on Saturday, June 10. It sounds like the gardens are ready, all the volunteers are secured, and I hope you are ready for some fun! Regarding the Garden Faire, Mike and Ruth can always use more help on the day of the Faire, just contact either one and they will explain what they need help with!

The OSFGC Convention is being held in Wilsonville June 12-14 and I know there are a few of us attending. It is my first garden club convention, and I am looking forward to it!

Our General Meeting will be June 19, a week after the Tour and Faire so we can celebrate the success of both events! There will be a discussion and vote on the 2023-2024 budget. We will have our Scholarship recipients at the meeting; it will be fun to meet them and hear about their educational aspirations. We will also have the installation of the new officers. It has been a wonderful two years serving as your President and I know that Elaine will do a fantastic job for the next two years! After a bit of business at the meeting, it will be time for our yummy luncheon and socializing.

Whew, lots going on, glad I have my garden to relax in…there is nothing so relaxing for me as playing in the dirt!

June 19th Meeting Details – Deb Smith

The June meeting on the 19th will be our last meeting until September! We have an action- packed meeting planned, no speaker for this meeting, but we will be wrapping up the tour and faire of the previous week, discussing and voting on the budget for the next fiscal year and installing the new club officers. There will also be a brief survey to complete to communicate about the club.

It was announced at the May meeting that the June 19th luncheon will be catered instead of a potluck, due to lots of requests! If you were not at the May meeting and would like to attend the June luncheon, or if you were there and did not let us know you want to attend, please RSVP to Deb ([email protected]) and let her know no later than June 14 so she can submit the headcount to Harvest Fresh. Please mail a check to Charlene for $18.00 (send to McMinnville Garden Club at PO Box 386, McMinnville OR 97128) or pay at the meeting.

The June 19th membership meeting luncheon will have the following menu for the cost of $18.00:

Roasted Chicken; pasta primavera; roasted vegetables; green salad; rolls and cookies Looking forward to a FUN and YUMMY luncheon!

Good Eats by Betty B.

Rhubarb Cream Cake

Makes One 9-inch Cake

Cookie crust:

  • 1 stick butter, softened 1 T sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 C flour
  • ¼ t salt
  • ½ t vanilla

Mix in a bowl, then pat dough into bottom of a 9-inch round cake pan.

2 C sliced fresh rhubarb – scatter over crust.

Cream Filling:

Combine and pour over rhubarb.

  • 2 T soft butter 4 T flour
  • 1 ½ C sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 C heavy cream

Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until set.

Photo by Maximilian Zahn on Unsplash

Garden Tour and Faire Update – June 11, 2023 “Natures Palette”

Co-chairs: Cozette Caster, Linda Hansen and Ann Silverthorne

Garden Tour Tickets:   It’s no longer months, or weeks – the Garden Tour and Faire is within days! All members are encouraged to sell tour tickets. At this time, sales are slow, and your help is needed to increase sales. For tickets please contact: Lori Anderson at 503.936.6936

Calendar of Upcoming Events and Reminders:

Thursdays, June 1st and 8th – Farmers Market on Cowls and Second streets, downtown.

The garden club will have a tickets sales booth during market hours. If you volunteered to help, please don’t forget.

Saturday, June 10th – Today is the Pre-Tour for club members who are volunteering on June 11th and would not have a chance to view the gardens.

  1. Meet at 9 AM – the Baker Creek Community Church parking lot near Elm Street and Baker Creek Road. Members will visit this year’s six gardens along with the garden owners.
  2. All the garden tour homes information needed onsite for tour day will be distributed to the appropriate volunteers at the gathering this morning.
  3. We will be carpooling from the church and following the number order of the gardens. Enjoy your opportunity to honor these incredible gardeners who have worked very hard to get their sites ready for our event!

Sunday, June 11th – The big day has arrived! All members should have an assigned location to assist with our only Garden Club Fundraiser. Members will be assisting at the Faire, at gardens on the tour and other assignments. Charlene reports that she has all the tour slots filled! Enjoy the day and thank attendees and vendors for coming.

*We will not be offering a no-host event following the Tour and Faire this year.

Following June 11th, the Co-chairs will be inviting members to offer feedback. The meeting date and details will be forthcoming via email.

THANK YOU TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS participating in this year’s Garden Tour and Faire. So grateful for everyone’s support and sharing your time and many talents.

Article submitted by Linda Hansen

Dues …. Time to collect – Charlene Drake, Treasurer

Our 2022/23 fiscal year is nearing its end, so it is time to pay our 2023/24 dues. Club dues are

$25 per person or $40 per couple. Payments will be collected at the May and June meetings or they can be mailed to the club as follows:

McMinnville Garden Club      PO Box 386        McMinnville, OR 97128

I know that our year-end is busy with many activities, but I do want to see all of your happy faces back next year.

Field Trip Fun May 2023

Raffle Winners Congrats to Rita Conales for winning the quilt!

Pauline and Elsie

Membership Update – Janis Stoven

Since July 1, 2022, we’ve welcomed thirteen new members. Membership activities include community clean-up projects, involvement in the Garden Tour and Faire, unique crafts, day trips exploring the wonders of Oregon including nurseries, and more.

A request from the First Presbyterian (where we hold our monthly meetings) has been brought to our attention. The church hosts Saturday Community Meals and their attendees are often in need of clothing and sleeping bags. Please bring donations to the June meeting. The garden club’s history is based on community involvement, and this is another way of showing support. Thank you.

Open Gate – Janis Stoven

What is Open Gate?

Answer: Members inviting members to visit their garden.

Why: It’s interesting, educational, inspiring to see what others have done, fun to meet new members, and gain new ideas.

When: You know your garden. When would be a good time to invite visitors so we can celebrate your gardening efforts?

To volunteer your garden, contact Janis Stoven to establish a day and time. She will visit your garden and compose a descriptive overview followed by an email to all members.

International Pinot Noir Celebration (IPNC) – Friday, July 28 – Sunday, July 30 – Janis Stoven

Held at Linfield University

Volunteer with the McMinnville Garden Club and experience the gala of this international event, originating in 1987. Approximately 1,000 people attend yearly. There will be 70+ featured wineries from throughout the world and international chefs prepare meals from local farm ingredients.

We’ll volunteer on Friday, July 28 and Saturday, July 29 at the seminars and tasting events, conducted in three locations at Linfield University; library, music performance and performing arts; each area is air-conditioned. For our volunteerism, our club will receive $500. This will be applied to the Serenity Garden. This is the second year we have been invited.

Two shifts are available each day: 7:45 – 9 am, set up including pouring water, and greeting guests.

12 noon – 1:15 pm, clean up tables and add new settings on Friday. On Saturday, remove all items from the tables.

Volunteering more than once is greatly appreciated! Linda Hansen and Janis Stoven are coordinating this event. You will receive email updates and details as needed from either Linda or Janis.

Take a Car Trip to the Spanish Catalonia Region – Patty Sorensen

Recently I attended the Rare Plant Research’s annual two day onsite sale. It’s been on my MUST DO list for years! This is a must field trip for serious plant hoarders June 17th or next Spring.

Anyway, there is a winery on the property that makes you feel like you are in Spain. The winery is Villa Catalana Cellars between Canby and Oregon City. It would make a fun day trip for lovers of Spanish gardens and wines. It is open Saturdays only from 1-4. They will open up one more day for a One Day Plant sale on June 17th 11a-4pm. The winery will also be open that day, no reservations necessary.

Check the website above for more information and reservations if needed. You can bring a picnic, taste some wine, and embrace the Spanish style garden. AND you don’t have the price or time involved with an overseas trip!

Video from Eye on Northwest Wines, hosted by Natali Marmion (KOIN)

May Speaker Follow-up Links – Heather Stoven

Websites to Explore – Patty Sorensen



This is my favorite free PLANT ID and Plant Problem Diagnosis application for phones. It may be helpful during the tour. Consider checking it out. I LOVE IT! Patty..

PictureThis is easy to use since it works on your smartphone. The first step is to install the free PictureThis app from the iPhone App Store or the Google Play store for Android phones.” If you need help understanding how to use the app., contact Patty S.

Serenity Garden Grows!

Be sure to drive by the Serenity Garden during the summer to watch our progress! We will continue to add plants, a LARGE McMinnville Arts Commission Sculpture will be placed by the western trees as well as adding the graveled area and pagoda near the sidewalk closest to the entry to the back of the hospital. AND our beautiful Entry Arch is going to be created with the $3,000 club donation. No specific date for installation, watch your emails for updates!


(With a lot of work and dedication. Thanks, club members!)

You Can’t Plant Flowers If You Haven’t BOTANY…


Patty Sorensen: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor

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