March 2023 garden clippings

Lori Schanche
March 1, 2023

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News

This Month's News...

2022-23 Garden Club Board:

  • Adele O’Neal– President
  • Deb Smith – Vice President
  • Charlene Drake – Treasurer
  • Elaine Pollak – Secretary

Meeting Location

Our meetings are held at the First Presbyterian Church in McMinnville on 2nd & Cowls.
Social time: 9:30-10 Business Meeting: 10-10:45 Speaker 11-12. JOIN US!

Dates to Remember 2023

  • February 6 Arts & Crafts at Colleen M.’s. See info below.
  • February 20 Club Meeting – Carly Hilton “Backyard Birds”
  • February 23 Field Trip to the Portland Home & Garden Show Contact Ann Silverthorne
  • March 13 OSFGC Spring Board Meeting via Zoom. 9:30 AM
  • March 20 Club Meeting – Carol Adelman “Growing Gorgeous Peonies”
  • April 20 Pioneer District Spring Meeting in McMinnville
  • April 24 Annual Third Street Cleanup. Mark your calendars! More info next month.
  • June 10 Tour Pretour in AM for workers
  • June 11 Garden Tour/Faire 2023
  • June 12-14 OSFGC Annual Convention in Wilsonville

President’s Message:

Punxsutawney Phil was right about 6 weeks more winter…but what’s with the “snow apocalypse”?!? 

Hope you all survived and enjoyed the snow, but I must admit it is nice to have the sunshine even if it is cold out there! 

We have so much going on at the Garden Club! The arts and craft events allow us to be creative and have fun. There is always at least one fun field trip to attend each month. The beautification work and maintenance we do for the community is so special. The Garden Tour and Faire are moving forward and with six gardens for our guests to have fun visiting and almost all the vendor spaces sold, it appears that these events will be successful. Notice a theme here? FUN! Yes, there is work to do to make all the events and projects happen, but we all need to remember to also have fun as we make the plans and coordinate all the wonderful things that we do in the Garden Club. 

If anyone is interested in the officer roles of Vice President or President, please let Betty Ballentine or Janis Stoven know. We will be electing new officers in May. And of course, if 2 

you have questions about the roles, please contact Deb or me. Being a club officer is rewarding and it is as fun as you make it! 

Garden Club members – remember to do something fun each day, it’s good for your soul! I’m sure Punxsutawney Phil is enjoying his warm burrow but is also looking forward to warmer, fun weather! 

-Adele O’Neal

February Speaker

Carol Adelman “Growing Gorgeous Peonies”

Carol A. Adelman and her husband, Jim, grow over 550 varieties of peonies near Salem, Oregon, transitioning from raising apples for 25 years. They open the garden and fields to visitors during bloom season. 

A popular speaker, Carol is internationally respected for her knowledge of peonies having founded Adelman Peony Gardens in 1996. She was on the Board of Directors for the American Peony Society for 19 years, is on the International Peony Advisory Board for the Peony Garden at Nichols Arboretum at the University of Michigan and is President of the Pacific Northwest Peony Society. The American Peony Society Best of Show has been awarded them nine times since 2002 and numerous Court of Honor awards. Carol recently received the APS Bertrand H. Farr Lifetime Achievement Award for leadership, education, and an invitation to beauty. She is co-author of Peonies The Best Varieties for Your Garden, which made the New York Times Summer Reading list. Carol is now transitioning to hybridizing bush and tree peonies as the younger generation of Adelman’s take over the day-to-day business. 

Good Eats by Betty B. 

  • Irish Potato-Leek Soup 6 servings 
  • 2 T Irish butter 6 C vegetable stock 
  • 3 leeks, sliced 1 ¼ C half-and-half 
  • 1 large onion, minced Salt and pepper to taste 
  • 6 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces 

In a large stockpot or saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the leeks and onion and cook 5-7 minutes until soft but not browned. Add the potatoes and stock, cover and cook for 35-40 minutes. Remove from heat and cool 10 minutes. Use a stick blender to puree until smooth. Whisk in the half-and-half, along with salt and pepper to taste over low heat. To serve, ladle the soup into bowls and sprinkle with a bit of minced flat leaf parsley…..ENJOY! 3 

Garden Volunteers Needed 

Want to grow your own organic produce? Interested in joining the McMinnville Community Garden? We have raised beds to rent; both 4X16 foot and 4X24 foot size. You are required to volunteer in the food pantry beds four hours/month. Please contact: Betty Ballentine [email protected] 

Garden Tour and Faire Update 

June 11, 2023 “Natures Palette” 

We had our first meeting after the February Club Meeting. Thank you to all who have volunteered to be a Committee Chair and those signed up to support. Attached is a listing of the Committee Chair Teams for your reference. 

Reminder: Garden Tour Committee meetings (updates) are held following the Monthly Garden Club meetings the third Monday of every month at the Church. 

Gardens: We have six beautiful and unique gardens for the 2023 Tour. 

VOLUNTEER Opportunities


  • Farmers Market: Two Hour shifts to promote event, sell tickets, on June 1st & June 8th. a. Please contact Kirsten Browne at 619/944.0409 or [email protected] 
  • Garden Tour Greeters/Hostess: Three hour shifts available for the gardens on day of tour, June 11th. a. Greeters: Take tickets at the entry of the garden as well as answer questions. 
  • b. Hostesses: In the backyards helping answer plant questions. 
  • c. Please contact Charlene Drake at 909/215.0849 or [email protected] 
  • Poster Distributions: Sign up for a route location to distribute the colorful posters and post at businesses and other public places and remove after the tour. a. Please contact Elaine Pollak at 240/483.8841 (text) or [email protected] 
  • Road Sign Placements: The date stickers have been printed and ready to be placed on the Signs & Banners. Signs will be posted in late May due to city guidelines. a. Contact Dian Berg at 928/231-3702 or [email protected] 

Bookmarks: We, as members, are the best promoters for the Garden Tour and Faire. Please advertise and share as much as possible. More bookmarks are available for you to promote the 4 

Tour and Faire at the Membership table at each monthly meeting. Or contact Cozette directly at 503-537-4860. 

Tickets: We are gathering all the information to compile for the Tickets. The plan is to have the tickets available to purchase beginning of April. The best ticket sales are from our members who promote the Garden Tour and Fair. 

Raffle “Natures Palette” Art: We are honored Kirsten Browne has donated her beautiful piece of art to sell at our raffle. More information will be forthcoming about the purchasing of raffle tickets. (Poster PDF attached to this email is for your use.) 

Mark Your Calendars: The Garden Club Members Pre-Tour will be Saturday, June 10th in the morning. More information will be forthcoming. 

Please share any ideas, comments, or volunteering information directly to Cozette, Ann, or Linda. 

MAC Chamber Greeters’

Fridays at 8:00 AM March 2023 

Contact Janis Stoven for more details. 

  • March 3 Brooks Winery 21101 SE Cherry Blossom Ln., Amity 
  • March 10 Michelbook Country Club 
  • March 17 McMinnville School District 800 NE Lafayette Ave. 
  • March 24 The Erin Hanson Gallery 1805 NE Colvin Ct. 
  • March 31 Key Bank 342 E. 3rd St. 

Yamhill County Master Gardeners’

“Spring Into Gardening” Event March 18 

Be sure to check out this great opportunity to learn more about gardening and much more. 

Membership Update Janis Stoven 

Debra Rose Schepps joined the garden club at the February meeting. Debra resides in Amity. We enjoy welcoming all to this garden club regardless of where they reside. If you enjoy gardening, you’ll enjoy us. We also have members from Carlton and Sheridan. Debra is our sixth new member since September. 

If you enjoy the club opportunities, vibrant members, informative programs and speakers, varied educational components in discovering gardening, assisting in community service projects and unique crafts and mini day trips, share this with others. Then invite them to a meeting of the McMinnville Garden Club. Every member is an ambassador – a smile and warm invitation might mean the world to someone. Membership forms are available at the monthly meetings. Thank you! 

Arts and Crafts March 6 Colleen M. & Kirsten B. 

Have you ever wanted to make some beautiful and natural pebble art for your home? Colleen and I gave pebble art a try and loved the results! Now we’re excited to share it with you. If you weren’t at the Feb. meeting, contact Kirsten B. if you are interested. All materials will be supplied. If you’d want to personalize your art even more we encourage you to bring white, gray, or beige pebbles, unique 5-6” twigs, flat shells, beach glass, twine, and more. Come join us! 

Pebble Art on Canvas When: Monday, March 6 Where: Kirsten’s at 905 NW Birch Street Time: 10:00 AM Cost: $5 Check out PINTEREST for lots of IDEAS! 

February Crafts FUN!

April 22 EARTH DAY Post Office Clean Up 9 AM 

Come help us do a quick cleanup of the Post Office area at 9 AM with a local scout troop! We need a pickup to bring us bark dust, about 8 members to guide the scouts to weed, clean the area and spread some bark dust. Bring your gloves, garden club aprons, rakes, brooms, blowers, weed pulling tools, trimmers, wheelbarrows if possible AND SMILES. 

Please let Patty S. know if you plan to help. THANKS. This will be our warmup for the Downtown Cleanup on the 24th! 

Third Street Downtown Cleanup April 22 9 AM 

It’s that time of year when our club volunteers our time to clean up the tree wells and planters of downtown 3rd street and along the side streets where the Farmers’ Market and our Garden Faire are held. For many years the Garden Club has provided downtown Third Street with this gift of spring cleanup before the Linfield Family weekend. Let’s show up in force to tackle this great project. 

Put on your gloves, garden club aprons, and bring clippers, brooms, etc. and make 3rd street look beautiful before Parents Weekend at Linfield. Lunch will be at 11:30 and is provided by the Downtown Association. 

Meet at 9:00 AM Monday April 25th at the city parking lot next to Cooperative Ministries Church on the corner of Evans and 2nd street. Team areas will be organized there. The more members we have the less work each member has to do. 

If you have a pickup and can help haul away the containers of weeds and ivy, please let Patty S. know. 7 

Websites to Explore


Lori Schanche: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor

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