November 2022 garden clippings

Lori Schanche
November 1, 2022

Your One-Stop-Shop for all McMinnville Garden Club News

This Month's News...

2022-23 Garden Club Board:

  • Adele O’Neal– President
  • Deb Smith – Vice President
  • Charlene Drake – Treasurer
  • Elaine Pollak – Secretary

Dates to Remember 2022-3

  • November 7Arts and Crafts Pumpkins at Colleen’s. Preregistration was done at Oct. mtg.
  • November 21Club Meeting – Speaker Dave Kollen, “Bring Back the Pollinators” 9:30 Social; 10 Business Mtg.; 11 Speaker First Presbyterian Church, Mac.
  • November 25Santa Parade – RAKETTES!
  • December 19Club Meeting – Holiday Fun
  • June 11, 2023Garden Tour/Faire 2023

President’s Corner

Theme: Coming Together for Growth Adele O’Neal

Wow, how can it be November already!?!

I am still getting tomatoes on my plants, but they are looking a bit sad these days…soon it will be time to remove them and clean up the raised bed!

Thank you to those who voted on the suggested themes for the Garden Tour, the winner is…drumroll please…Nature’s Palette!

So, we will work on getting the bookmarks and posters ready. We do need one or two Tour Coordinators, so at the November general meeting we will be talking about the importance of and the duties of the coordinator’s role because we are behind on our preliminary planning for the Tour.

There is a very thorough “road map” and a strong contingent of committees and experienced members who need a leader or team of leaders! Time is of the essence and without one or two members taking this vital role, we will not be able to provide the Tour, which will impact our ability to provide scholarships and other projects that we have been providing our community.

If you are interested in serving as one of the coordinators, please let me know!

A fun event in November is the Rakettes’ participation in the McMinnville Christmas Parade, the Friday after Thanksgiving, November 25. Jan Clay will be asking for volunteers; thank you to those of you who already expressed an interest.

A big thank you to Betty Ballentine for all her work on the Directory! Unfortunately, the printer could not get the Directory printed in time for the October meeting, so we will be handing it out at the November meeting, along with your membership card.

We received a certificate from the Oregon State Garden Club for membership growth in the past year – way to go everyone, but especially, Janis Stoven and the membership committee! Members, please continue to invite your friends and neighbors to our meetings. Fun, fun and more fun for the months ahead! See you at the November meeting and maybe at one of the craft events or Christmas Parade!

October Speaker

Barbara Hilty, “Gardening in the Face of Climate Change”

Serenity Garden Daffodil Bulbs

A HUGE thank you to all who donated bulbs for this event. There was a lot of digging at Wendy Powers house! WOW!

We are still waiting for the site to be cleared and the rain to let up. As soon as a date is set, you will receive an email with planting information.
For more info, contact Patty S.


at the McMinnville Holiday Parade, Nov. 25 3:00 to 5:30 pm?

We are known as the Garden Club Rakettes because of our leaf rakes decorated with lights and other Christmas decorations and our choreographed raking and marching at the local Holiday Parade the day after Thanksgiving. We all wear holiday decorated hats, red sweatshirts or jackets, with a white turtleneck showing, white gloves, which we already have, and our garden club aprons. There will be a rehearsal sometime before the parade that day.

On Friday, November 25th at around 3:00 pm we gather in the Golden Valley Brewery for a pre-parade warm up and will start lining up for the parade around 4:00 pm to be set to go at 4:30 pm. These times are estimates and adjustments will be made. We can park at the far end of Golden Valley Brewery and gather there to get our sashes then go to the gathering spot across the railroad tracks. Please return the sashes to me at the end of the parade. Dress for the weather.

Please contact Jan Clay with any questions or concerns.

Membership and More Update

Janis Stoven, Membership Committee Chair

Sherri Knothe is our recent new member. She has lived in McMinnville for six years and recently retired. She enjoys working in her yard and looking forward in becoming acquainted with members. Welcome!

Open Gate Summary: Summer 2022

Thank you to the following who invited garden club members to view their gardens: Ann Widen, Margaret Roberts, Betty and John Ballentine, Charlene Drake and Linda Hansen. This event offered an opportunity to meet other members, learn about plants, and socialize. The attendance was approximately 25 people at each Open Gate. This event will be offered next year too. Reminder to all who said, “I’ll do it next year”, you will have an opportunity!☺

Invitation to Others:

Please invite others to attend one of our meetings or events. We welcome new members! Each new member will receive a membership packet with club information and a coupon for a free garden book at a Friends of the Library Book Sale.

Chamber of Commerce Update Join the FUN!


  • Real Deals on Home Decor – Friday, November 4
  • No Greeters in observance of Veteran’s Day – Friday, November 11
  • Ticor Tile – Friday, November, 18
  • No Greeters in observance of Thanksgiving Holiday – Friday, November 25

Good Eats by Betty B.

Apple Ricotta Pancakes

Makes 6 pancakes 1 C flour

  • 1 t baking powder
  • Whisk together in a bowl.
  • 1⁄2 t cinnamon
  • 1⁄4 t baking soda
  • Pinch of salt

In a second bowl, whisk together and then add to dry ingredients.

  • 1 egg
  • 1 C buttermilk
  • 3⁄4 C ricotta cheese
  • 1 T sugar
  • 1 t vanilla
  • 1 small apple fine dice

Mix into a batter. Rest 10 minutes. Mix a small bowl of cinnamon sugar to sprinkle on top of warm pancakes. Add small amount of oil or cooking spray to your favorite non-stick skillet and cook as you would any pancake. John likes these with some maple syrup and bacon on the side.

Get Ready to Help!

Our club has been asked to help with some of the decorations and provide volunteers for the Oregon State Federation of Garden Club’s annual convention in Wilsonville on June 12-14, 2023. Pioneer District’s clubs are assigned to this summer’s event. We created centerpieces for one of the dinners about eight years ago and had a good time. SO, get ready. We hope to see a lot of hands going up! We have three members who are active at the State level: Gaye S., Mike S., and Patty S. Feel free to ask them what convention is like. So close this year!

Websites to Explore


Lori Schanche: McMinnville Garden Club News Editor

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Counting Seeds