This Month's News...
2022-23 Garden Club Board:
- Elaine Pollak – President
- Kay Fitkin – Vice President
- Charlene Drake – Treasurer
- Dian Berg – Secretary
Dates to Remember 2023-24
- November 4: Field Trip to Salem for Quiltopia 9 AM Baker Creek Com. Church See info below.
- November 6: Arts & Crafts 9:45am to carpool from Baker Creek Com. Church 10am Bug Hotels See below for details.
- November 20 Club Meeting – Speaker: Heather Miller, Farmers Market
- December 4 Arts & Crafts 9:45am Baker Creek Com. Church 10am
- Holiday wreaths/swags.
- December 17 Holiday Open House Invitation. More info in December newsletter
- December 18 Club Meeting and Buffet Luncheon 10am Must order ahead $26 (includes tips). Contact Kay F. See info below. Show up early and stay a bit late to help us with SETUP and TAKEDOWN please.
President’s Corner
Often the world is a fearful place. So many are suffering from stress caused by sickness, climate change, war, famine, and floods. Often a refusal to compromise makes any effort at solutions to alleviate this suffering impossible. With all the uncertainty it can be difficult to count our blessings.
Traditionally we count our blessings in November. And we are blessed. Very blessed. We get to live in our wonderful little corner of the universe. The generally mild weather allows us to grow so many different flowers, trees, and shrubs and gives us lots of time to enjoy our efforts. When we leave our gardens we can visit our quaint downtown. In 2014, Third Street was voted the best Main Street west of the Mississippi by readers of Parade Magazine. And in five minutes we are out in the beautiful countryside with its many shades of green and acres of crops. Besides the grapevines and hazelnuts, there are local farm stands with an astonishing variety of fresh fruit and vegetables picked just that morning. When we venture further afield, we can enjoy the Pacific Northwest’s myriad natural wonders. We have mountains and deserts, rivers, lakes, and the Pacific Ocean to play in just a few hours away. Yes, we are truly blessed.
A final blessing is our club. We have the privilege of sharing activities and accomplishments with so many hard-working, dedicated companions. It is a blessing to give back to the community through our beautification projects and scholarships.
We have another chance to share our blessings with the community. Not all of our neighbors are as blessed as we are. At our December luncheon we put out baskets for donations to community nonprofits.
- We give to YCAP which runs the food bank and helps those down on their luck.
- We give to Henderson House which helps women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
- We give to Juliette’s House which helps abused children.
- We give to A Family Place which helps young parents.
If you have a suggestion for worthy cause, let us know. We will add another basket.
So let’s count our blessings every day, not just at Thanksgiving and let’s continue to share our blessings whenever possible.
Field Trip November 4th
There will be a field trip on November 4 to the quilt exhibit “Sew Happy Together “ at the Willamette Heritage Center in Salem. We will meet at 9 AM at the Baker Creek Community Church. After enjoying the exhibit, we will go to lunch. Admission to the exhibit is $7 and each passenger gives $5 to the driver. Hope to see you there. If you want to participate, please contact Elaine.
Visit: Quiltopia Oregon
November Speaker Heather Miller; Farmer’s Market’s Growth
Our speaker at the November 20 meeting will be Heather Miller of the McMinnville Downtown Association, presenting a program on the growth of the McMinnville Farmer’s Market, how it developed from a couple of vendors to over 65 vendors per week. These vendors bring fresh seasonal produce, farm raised blooms and handmade products to the market every Thursday, May through October, from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, located on Cowls and 2nd Street.
December Buffet Luncheon, Dec. 18 (After our meeting at 10 AM)
Are you looking forward to an hour of relaxation, chatting with friends, and making new ones, and enjoying good food? December 18, at 11:00 am, Second Presbyterian Church is the place to be. That is the day of our Christmas luncheon. For just $26.00 you will receive a buffet of chicken, salad, pasta, and bread all delivered and set up for you by our friends at Harvest Fresh. The board will provide drinks and desserts.
Please sign up to attend the luncheon, making your payment by check, payable to McMinnville Garden Club notation Christmas Luncheon or cash, exact change please.
We also need people to decorate the tables. Exact numbers won’t be ready until after the November meeting.
Continuing a wonderful tradition. We look forward to seeing you there.
Field Trip Options….Festival of Trees | Patty S.
Unfortunately, the date for my husband’s knee surgery will not allow me to lead a field trip in December to the Festival of Trees at the Convention Center as discussed at the October meeting. We can try again next year or check it out this year on your own.
Info at:
Another event to consider is the Deepwood Museum in Salem. They are having a free OPEN House on December 2 from 10-1.
More info at:
Good Eats by Betty Ballentine
Caramelized Apple Chutney
Good with hot or cold meats and a cheese board. Makes 3 half pint jars. Freezes well.
- 4 cooking apples, peeled, cored, and chopped.
- ½ onion, finely chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed.
- juice of half a lemon
- 1C vinegar, cider or malt
- 2/3 C raisins or dried cranberries
- 2 t ground ginger
- 1 t salt
- 1 C dark brown sugar
Put the apples, onion, garlic, lemon juice and vinegar into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the raisins, ginger, salt and sugar and reduce heat to simmer for about an hour or until thickened. Cool and put into half pint jars. Keeps for 10 days in the fridge or freezes well. It’s lovely spooned over some Brie or any soft cheese and served with crackers. Amazing on a turkey sandwich!
Photo by Megumi Nachev on Unsplash
Join our Rakettes in local Holiday Parade! – November 24
Once again we will be marching in the Holiday Parade. The parade goes down Third Street and the Rakettes are always a big hit. Decorate a hat and a rake in a festive manner. Lights, garlands, and bells are good choices. Dress for the weather with a red sweatshirt or sweater and white gloves.
We will meet at Golden Valley between 3 and 4 PM on November 24th. to get our sashes. We need to be in line by 4:30. Let Dolly McCord or Sandra Sutherland know if you want to be part of the Rakettes!
2024 Garden Tour: Sunday – June 9, 2024 (Mark your Calendars)
Theme: Bursting into Blooms
A HUGE THANKS to Rita Canales for all her time and creative talent in developing the Garden Tour & Faire Bookmarks and Posters.
The bookmarks are being printed and will be available for you at the November Garden Club meeting.
More information will be forthcoming about the 2024 Garden Tour and Faire Committees and volunteer opportunities.
Serenity Garden Update
The garden is really starting to take shape! This week we added some pansies for wintertime color. In early 2024 we will be adding a part of the cement walkway and some benches for those already enjoying the site. We have written a grant for additional plants and will hear by then whether we were successful. This project is such an incredible gift to the community. You should all be proud of any small part you are playing in it. Be sure to take a trip to see the newest developments at the back of the hospital! It “GLOWS” in the dark!
Chamber of Commerce Greeters Meetings 8:00-9:00 am Fridays
We are looking for club members to represent the club by attending these meetings. Bring $1 and a business card for the door prize drawings. Please check with Elaine
- November 3: Ticor Title 1216 N. Baker
- November 10: No greeters. Enjoy the Veterans’ Day Parade at 9 AM downtown instead!
- November 17: Chemeketa Community College 288 NE Norton Ln.
- November 27: No Greeters. Come see the Rakettes at the Holiday Parade 4 PM on Third.
November Arts & Crafts 10-12 Nov. 6 – Kirsten Browne/Colleen Moxley
Hello Creatives,
Our gardens are home to a huge range of living creatures. It’s estimated that the average garden contains 2000 insect species!
Insects play a very important role in the garden. They eat pests, pollinate plants, contribute to the ecosystem and attract other wildlife like birds.
But their numbers are dropping because of a lack of habitat. So it’s up to us gardeners to help them out.
That’s why our November craft will be… Bug Hotels!
- When: Monday, November 6
- Where: Colleen’s place
- Cost: $5
- Time 10:00-12ish
Meet at the Baker Creek Community Church at 9:45 to carpool please. Parking is limited onsite.
Text Kirsten and she’ll add your name to the list: (619) 944-0409
Supplied Materials: The “house”, foraged items, twine, some bamboo, wood burning tools.
*Start collecting paper towel rolls, aluminum cans, bamboo stakes, and anything you’d like to add to give your hotel a personal touch.
Refreshments: Bring a mug- coffee and tea will be provided and bring a treat to share (optional) Location: Colleen Moxley 15548 NW Orchard View Rd, McMinnville
December Crafts
Hello Creatives,
Due to popular demand last year our December craft will be creating beautiful holiday wreaths or swags.
- When: Monday, December 4
- Where: Colleen Moxley’s 15548 NW Orchard View Rd
- Time: 10-12ish
- Cost $10
Materials provided: greenery and plants, pinecones, wreath forms, wire, wire cutters. hot glue, plant nippers.
Bring the following extras if you like: gloves, wire cutters, glue gun/sticks, ornaments, cranberries, cinnamon sticks, a mug for coffee/tea, and a treat to share (optional)
Dress in warm comfy clothing. Carpooling is encouraged. Meet at the Baker Creek Community Church at 9:45. Parking onsite is limited.
A signup sheet will be available at the November 20th meeting or contact/ Kirsten Browne (619)944-0409 and she’ll add you to the list. We look forward to seeing you!
Save the Date
- Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023
- Holiday Home Open House
- 1 pm – 9 pm
All are invited!
The Bartnik’s are once again inviting the garden club to enjoy their home this holiday season. Come support them.
Their yard will be on our 2024 garden tour! Specific details in our December newsletter
Great Weeding Tool
I highly recommend this stirrup tool to help remove weeds in your gardens.
You simply push down and pull along then it easily pulls up areas of multiple small weeds.
For the bigger weeds, turn it so the triangular ends go down deeper into the soil.
Saves bending over so much! Patty
Websites to Explore
- National Garden Club
- Pacific Region National Garden Club
- Pioneer District Website
- Oregon State Garden Club
- Yamhill County Master Gardeners
- McMinnville Community Garden
- Serenity Garden
- Time for Fall Planting
- Wildlife Gardens
Are you interested in Third Street’s new design? The first section of this PowerPoint goes thru educating folks about the concepts needed to consider when undertaking a project like this. It will finally reach a section that shows pictures of our downtown area now and then drawings of proposed improvements. You can download the presentation here.
“What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day set aside on the fourth Thursday of November when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?”
~ Erma Bombeck