Yard of the Month

April 2016 – Pinehurst Drive

Don & Edie Rissberger-Stow


Do you pass by a yard or garden each day that you think deserves recognition? Send us a note to nominate it for the Yard of the Month award.

We picked the yard for its structure and colorful foliage. This delightful couple work as a team on their yard. Edie makes piles and Don picks them up then hauls them away.

They have lived at this address for 12 years. Both had spouses who had passed when a friend introduced them 12 years ago. They had a common interest of skiing and golfing. Edie says they don’t ski anymore but still golf.

Don’s grandfather, father, and he are all graduates of Linfield College. Edie has lived here since 1957 and is an RN.

Where can I find it?

This remarkable yard may be found at:

2235 NW Pinehurst Drive
McMinnville, OR 97128

From Baker Creek Rd., turn south onto Pinehurst.
The house will be on your right.

nominate a yard

reward a gardener  |  ask questions

If you have any questions about this garden, we're happy to answer!

Saw an impressive garden?  Send us the address and any contact information you have and we'll do the rest.

1074 Sw Courtney Laine Drive Image 1