Yard of the Month

July 2016 – SW Fleishauer

Brian and Jenifer Rucker


Do you pass by a yard or garden each day that you think deserves recognition? Send us a note to nominate it for the Yard of the Month award.

The Ruckers both work for Yamhill County, Brian as a probation officer and Jenifer with developmentally disabled clients. They have lived in the area for several years and Brian went to school in McMinnville. They have lived in this house only one year. In that time they have completely redone the front yard, first by pulling out overgrown shrubbery then starting anew with shrubs, flowers, and some very tasteful ornaments. They lived with a dirt yard for several months then began planting in September.

When Jenifer answered the door and I told her I was with the McMinnville Garden Club, her face turned red and she jumped up and down and threw her arms around me saying what an honor this was! She said Brian does the work and she helps by watering everything.

This beautiful yard shows what hard work can accomplish in a short time!

Where can I find it?

This remarkable yard may be found at:

1025 SW Fleishauer
McMinnville, OR 97128

nominate a yard

reward a gardener  |  ask questions

If you have any questions about this garden, we're happy to answer!

Saw an impressive garden?  Send us the address and any contact information you have and we'll do the rest.

1074 Sw Courtney Laine Drive Image 1