Elaine Pollak 1

president's corner February 2025

Elaine Pollak

President, McMinnville Garden Club

Thoughts going into February 2025...

I have often felt, contrary to the calendar, that February was the longest month of the year. The excitement and memories of the holidays are fading, and there are still weeks before one can seriously anticipate spring.

Valentine’s Day does fall in the middle of the month. I used to work in a grocery store. For years I worked the overnight shift. The shift ran from 11 PM to 7 AM. Every year frantic desperate men would come rushing in when it was almost over or already the 15th. We were often out of cards, boxes of candy, and there was no one in the floral department to wrap the few blooms that remained. It was a source of amusement and always made me wonder how they could be so forgetful if their significant other was going to be that upset.

In years past, big glossy seed catalogs used to arrive in the mail. One could look at the beautiful pictures, read the descriptions, and make plans. What old reliables and what new varieties will I try this year? Now almost everything is digital, and it’s just not the same.
Still, we can make our plans. On President’s Day we trim our roses. Every year I intend to start seeds indoors. Almost every year, I end up buying plants at the Master Gardeners Plant Sale. By the end of the month there will be some crocuses and daffodils blooming with many more getting ready to. March is not that far away. After all, February is the shortest month of the year.

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