Our Committees
There are many ways to get involved in the McMinnville Garden Club. Take a look!

There are so many things we do and so many ways you can get involved! Take a look at the descriptions below and find out where you might want to apply your skills. There’s a lot here – over 45 committees. Many of our members serve in more than one.
To make your search easier, use the drop-down menu below to help you zero in on what you’re looking for.
If You’d like to volunteer, send us a note below.
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Arts and Crafts Committee
Members of the Arts and Crafts Committee work with others to organize arts and craft activities and trips throughout the year; provides timely information to members and newsletter chair; clearly, communicate supplies and costs prior to activity.
Conservation & Sustainability Project Committee
Our Mission: To educate Garden Club members on the five principles relating to sustainability of our environment: RETHINK, REFUSE, REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE.
We will partner with Zero Waste, The Plastic Project, and Recology to minimize waste, reduce consumption and support sustainability in our environment.
We are Looking forward to helping each one of us learn more about recycling.
Find out more at the Conservation & Sustainability Project
Day of Garden Tour Team Committee
The coordinators organize their activities with the Day of Garden Tour Team:
Greeter/Hostess Coordinator: Coordinates volunteer Greeter/Hostess activities necessary for the gardens on tour day.
Garden Tote Coordinator: Gathers and organizes totes with supplies for the volunteer Greeters/Hostess of each garden to distribute the day before the tour.
Garden Safety Warning Signs Coordinator: Works with the Co-chairs and organizes with homeowners the safety of participants walking in the gardens.
Garden Tour Directional Signs Coordinator: Coordinates volunteers, places directional garden tour and faire signs the morning of the tour then retrieves them after the tour.
Directory Committee
The Directory Committee collects and organizes information for the yearly membership directories; consults with president on format; works with website share to include appropriate information online and works with membership chair to distribute printed copies each fall.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of four offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Their duties include maintaining and advancing all aspects of club operations.
If you are interested in serving in an executive role in the future, contact us below.
Farmers Market Committee
This committee promotes the Farmers Market event. This entails:
- Selling tickets,
- Set up and take down,
- Decoration, and
- Signing up volunteers prior to event.
Field Trips Committee
The Field trips Committee organizes field trips for members; sends timely information to newsletter chair; coordinates carpooling, and provides directions for drivers; coordinates with venues.
Garden Faire Coordinator Committee
The Garden Faire Coordinator Committee overseas the activities required to coordinate the vendor faire. They:
- Work with the City of McMinnville to obtain permits, etc.
- Work with participating vendors.
- Secure help from members for various tasks.
- Communicate with Garden Tour Coordinators.
- Report progress at meetings, through newsletter articles and website updates.
- Recruit new vendors each year (detailed description is in the faire share notebook).
This is a year-long job and requires organized, timely communications with participating vendors.
Garden Safety Warning Signs Committee
Garden Selection Team Committee
Selects gardens for the tour (starts with list from previous years) and is liaison with garden owners. The following coordinators organize their activities with the Garden Selection team:
Garden Ticket Description Coordinator: Works with garden selection chairs and homeowners to write concise (60-70 words) description and history of gardens for tickets.
Horticulture Coordinator: Organizes team visits gardens prior to tour for plant ID, creates and delivers ID tags the Friday before the Committee Pre-Tour.
Garden Set-Up Coordinator: Works with homeowners to determine tables, chairs, tablecloths, and canopy umbrellas needed at each garden on the day of tour. If needed, coordinate access to these items.
Garden Setup Committee
Garden Ticket Description Committee
Garden Tote Coordination Committee
Garden Tour Coordinator Committee
The Garden Tour Coordinator Committee oversees all:
- Activities required of members for the day of the tour.
- Communicates with Garden Faire Coordinators.
- Recruits leaders of various committees.
- Works closely with all personnel for general coordination of tour activities.
- Reports progress at meetings through newsletter articles and website updates as appropriate.
- See the Tour Chair Notebook for full details.
Garden Tour Road Signs Committee
Organizes signs, corrects dates, and coordinates volunteers to place signs.
Graphics Committee
Designs posters, bookmarks, and event tickets. Works with Tour Chairs and the printing/reproduction vendor.
Greeter and Hostess Coordination Committee
Historian Committee
The Historian Committee maintains historical records for club; collects information during the year that is pertinent to club history and adds completed yearly notebook to records in the storage unit.
Horticulture Committee
The Horticulture Committee is involved in several garden club activities. They:
- Provide articles for the monthly newsletter and the website
- Recommend books and magazines on Gardening;
- Bring books and magazines to monthly meetings for remembers to review;
- Provides information to newsletter chair on topics of interest requested in garden club meetings.
- Coordinates Garden Tour Team team visits to selected gardens prior to the tour.
- Creates ID tags for plants identified by the Garden Tour Team and delivers them to the Garden Tour Committee the Friday before the Committee Pre-Tour.
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee schedules and supervises hostesses for monthly meetings. It is responsible for set up and clearing up the hospitality table, maintaining supplies, and purchasing new supplies when needed.
Library Plant Caretaker Committee
Library Plant Caretaker Committee waters, cleans and re-pots plants as needed. Purchases new library plants when needed, and coordinates work parties.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee provides several functions:
- Greets members and visitors at meetings as they enter and provides attendees with name tags.
- Provides member and visitor sign in sheets.
- Hand out general information regarding the club to visitors.
- Distributes Membership forms.
- Provides new members with a welcome packet.
- Collects meeting attendance records and provides this information to the Garden Club Secretary.
- Provides the Newsletter Editor with names and email addresses of visitors and new members who would like to receive complementary newsletter issues.
Newsletter Editor Committee
The Newsletter Editor collects information for the monthly newsletter. In addition, the Editor, works with the website developer for online and email distribution and distribution to Yamhill County Master Gardeners.
Nominations Chair Committee
The Nominations Chair Committee provides the Garden Club with nominations for executive positions for the April Membership Meeting.
Parliamentarian Committee
The Parliamentarian advises club membership on parliamentary procedures as requested or required during club meetings.
Post Office Landscape Care Committee
The Post office Landscape Care Committee coordinates maintenance of the garden in front of the post office.
Poster Distribution Committee
Secures volunteers for predetermined routes, distributes posters to post and remove after tour.
Publicity Committee
Promotes the Tour and Faire via online, Garden Club Website, social media, newspapers, garden groups etc.
Raffle Committee
The Raffle Committee conducts the raffle event during monthly membership meetings. They:
- Distribute raffle tickets to meeting attendees.
- Conduct the drawing of numbers.
- Presents member-provided prizes to the winners.
Rakettes Committee
The Rakettes Committee coordinates the Garden Club’s performance at the McMinnville Holiday Parade, held the Friday after Thanksgiving. They:
- File annual participation applications with Downtown Association;
- Organize the birdseed giveaway during the parade.
Reader Boards Committee
Restaurant Listings Committee
Provides listing of local restaurants in poster format at the Garden Faire.
Scholarships Committee
The Scholarship Committee works together to make recommendations to the Garden Club regarding potential recipients for annual scholarship award. They:
- Work with local schools to encourage students to apply for Garden Club scholarships.
- Review applicant scholastic records and activities.
- Report recipients to the membership;
- Provide scholarship winner information to The News-Register for publication.
- Invite scholarship winners to attend the June meeting to be formally introduced to the garden club’s general membership.
Serenity Garden Committee
The Serenity Garden Committee oversees the creation and long-term management of a garden dedicated to respite for patients and their families at the Willamette Valley Medical Center. The committee works with planning team members, fundraising, and publicity subcommittees.
for more information, visit the Serenity Garden Project.
Social Media Committee
The Social Media Committee manages the McMinnville Garden Club’s Facebook page and other appropriate social media sites. It’s members collect all applicable club activities and post these items to each social platform. They provide information to newsletter editor as needed. They also work together with the website developer for cross-platform event publication and promotion.
Sunshine Committee
The Sunshine Committee sends cards to club members on appropriate occasions and provides information to newsletter editor as needed.
Third Street Cleanup Committee
Ticket Sales & Distribution Committee
This committee is responsible for several tasks. They:
- Print, coordinate & track ticket distribution,
- Collect sales proceeds,
- Recruit and manages volunteers and,
- Manage and coordinates on-line ticket sales.
West End Planting Care Committee
Yard of the Month Committee
The Yard of the Month Committee works together to select recipients for yard of the month award. This honor is awarded from April through September.
- They submit information about the winning gardens to the Newsletter Editor, Website Developer, the Social Media Chair, and The News-Register for publication.
- They present a award certificate to to each Yard of the Month winner
- Keep all printed records of the winning yards for the current year to pass along to the next committee.
Get In Touch
Would you like to volunteer to serve on one of our committees?
Just have questions? Send us a note.