Public Meetings

This is where you will find information about the various public meetings we encourage our members to attend. Here is your chance to keep the club informed about what local businesses are up to and promote the garden club’s events, activities and goals.

Chamber of Commerce Greeters Meetings 8:00-9:00 am Fridays

We are looking for club members to represent the club by attending these 8 – 9 AM meetings.

Many months, there is no one from Garden Club there! Bring $1 and a business card for the door prize drawings. Garden Club has business cards. It is important that we support our chamber and its members! Please check with the club President.

Pioneer District

Our members are encouraged to take part in our district meetings and activities. These opportunities range from attending district meetings to luncheons, and other activities that the Pioneer District’s leadership may request our help with.

Have questions about these events? Contact us below.

Get In Touch


  • Would you like to volunteer?
  • Just need information?

send us a note

1074 Sw Courtney Laine Drive Image 1