Standing Rules

Standing Rules of the McMinnville Garden Club

Revised May 17, 2021

1. The Standing Rules shall not be in conflict with the bylaws.

2. The Standing Rules shall be available to all members upon request.

3. Members may present paid receipts for budgeted or allowable expenses to the Treasurer for reimbursement.

4. Standing Committees appointed by the President may include, but not be limited to, committees in conformance to District and State objectives. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.

5. The Membership Chair shall furnish all changes regarding Club members (e.g. change of address, telephone number, name) to the Yearbook Chair and the Newsletter Editor. The Newsletter Editor will print any information deemed appropriate in the newsletter.

6. The Budget Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee members who will hold office during the budget year. The proposed budget will be sent to the members in August. It will be discussed and voted on at the September meeting.

7. Unbudgeted expenses over fifty dollars must be approved by the members. In the event of an emergency, the Executive Committee may make the decision to approve the expense.

8. All bills to the Club must be submitted within thirty days of the conclusion of the event.

9. Any activity undertaken by the Club that requires a written contract must be approved by the Executive Committee and signed by the President.

10. Garden Club members are expected to participate in service projects throughout the year as they are able.

11. Garden Club members are expected to refrain from conduct injurious to the McMinnville Garden Club or its purpose.

12. As required by the bylaws, job descriptions for officers and committees shall be in writing and attached to these Standing Rules.

Job description of officers and committee chairs

President – Appoints leaders/chairs of committees; heads Budget Committee; is second signer of bank accounts; presides at all Club meetings; files membership reports with District and State at year end; attends District and State meetings; submits Club info to District and State yearly directories in July and their quarterly newsletters throughout his/her term; tour/faire chairs report activities to President; oversees communications via website, newsletters; assigns a Past President to lead nominations committee by March; at expiration of term, passes completed files to incoming President.

Vice President – Plans and makes arrangements for monthly programs; sends speaker information for inclusion on website and in newsletters to appropriate person in a timely manner; announces guest speaker; sends thank you notes to speakers; member of the Budget Committee; presides at meetings on behalf of the President when necessary.

Secretary – Takes notes at executive committee meetings and general monthly meetings; gives copies of minutes to President as well as maintaining copies in Secretary’s file; posts minutes for membership to
review; secures meeting attendance number from membership chair monthly; member of the budget committee; researches available Club awards and assigns to appropriate person for application.

Treasurer – Primary signer on bank accounts along with President; collects dues; communicates with members about dues payment; pays Club’s bills; oversees budget; deposits incoming funds; transfers funds from money market savings account to checking account as required; post treasurer’s report at monthly meeting and answers any questions regarding report; files reports as needed; works closely with the tour treasurer; member of the budget committee.

Past President – Mentors the President to help understand various Club activities and timelines; member of the executive committee and budget committee; helps select various members for outstanding member awards; coordinates installation of officers.

Arts and Crafts – Works with others to organize arts and crafts activities and trips throughout the year; provides timely information to members and newsletter chair; clearly communicates supplies and costs prior to activity.

Directory – Collects and organizes information for yearly membership directory; consults with President on format; works with website chair to include appropriate information on line and works with membership chair to pass out printed copies ASAP each fall.

Facebook – Maintains and updates our Facebook site in a timely fashion.

Field Trips – Organizes field trips for members; sends timely information to newsletter chair; coordinates carpooling and provides directions for drivers.

Garden Tour Coordinator(s) – Oversees the activities required of members day of tour; communicates with Faire coordinator(s); secures leaders of various committees; works closely with all for general coordination of tour activities; reports progress at meetings and through newsletter articles. See tour chair notebook for full details.

Garden Faire Coordinator(s) – Oversees the activities required to coordinate the vendor faire; works with the city for permits, etc. and vendors; secures help from members for various tasks; communicates with Tour Coordinators; reports progress at meetings and through newsletter articles; This is a year long job and requires organized, timely communications with current vendors and actively locates new vendors each year. Detailed job description is in the faire chair notebook.

Historian – Maintains historical records for Club; collects information during the year that is pertinent to Club history and adds completed yearly notebook to records in storage unit.

Hospitality – Schedules hostesses for monthly meetings and supervises set up and clearing of hospitality table; maintains supplies and purchases new supplies when needed.

Library Plant Caretaker – Waters plants as needed; cleans and repots/purchases library plants when needed; coordinates work parties.

Membership – Greets members at meetings as they enter and gives out available name tags; provides member and visitor sign-in sheets; hands out general information regarding the Club to visitors; provides newsletter editor with names and email address of visitors who would like to receive two months complimentary issues of newsletters as well as those who join; advises secretary on total attendance at meetings; has new members fill out application forms and distributes copies as needed; provides each new member with a welcome package.

Newsletter Editor – Collects information for monthly newsletter; works with Website Chair for online publication; distributes newsletter online to Club members in a timely fashion; sends copy to YC Master Gardeners.

Nominations Chair: a past President – Chairs Past Presidents’ committee to provide Club with nominations for executive committee positions by May meeting.

Parliamentarian – Advises Club on parliamentary procedure as requested or required.

Photographer – Takes photos of events/activities, new members for directory, garden tour/faire etc. Provides photos to historian for club record.

Post Office Landscape Care – Coordinates volunteer maintenance of garden in front of building.

Projects – Coordinates project ideas; researches feasibility and appropriateness for funding with a committee; presents for consideration to the membership.

Publicity – Provides information on garden club meetings and events to newspaper; tv coverage; posts notices of meeting at appropriate locations.

Raffle – Coordinates door prize give away at monthly meetings.

Rakettes – Coordinates and organizes the club’s performance in the McMinnville Holiday Parade held on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Files application with the downtown association.

Scholarship – Works with a committee and makes recommendations on applicants; works with local schools to encourage applicants; reviews scholastic records and activities of Yamhill County students who are majoring in horticulture or related studies; informs members of selections; provides info to local newspaper to cover awardees; invites recipients to June meeting and introduces them.

Sunshine – Sends cards to Club members for appropriate occasions; provides updates to newsletter editor.

Third Street Cleanup – Promotes and oversees this yearly event; coordinates with downtown association.

Website – Maintains, collects, and updates all Club activities for each month on the website; works with the newsletter editor and yard of the month chair to keep information updated; publishes online Club information for membership.

West End – Coordinates maintenance of the plantings at the west end entrance to town at the base of the Welcome to McMinnville sign.

Yard of the Month – Works with a committee from April through September to select recipients for the yard of the month award; communicates selected garden information to website chair; contacts newspaper to have a write up in the paper; supplies certificate to winner each month and records winners to following years chair and committee.

Revised May 17, 2021

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1074 Sw Courtney Laine Drive Image 1