Did you know that our Garden has 24 committees? We went over them in the September meeting. It was very illuminating to learn all that we do. However, it took well over an hour to read the descriptions and have some committees give brief statements.
We have been having an issue with time management. For years our business meeting was 45 minutes, followed by a 15 minute break and then the speaker at 11 AM. We really struggled last year to follow those guidelines. The business meeting would run on longer and the speaker would have to wait. That is not fair to the people who took time out of their day to come share with us. Then I tried cutting the meetings off so the speaker could begin on time. No break and members did not get all the information from the committees.
Our Club does lot of things. It is great that each committee is passionate about what they do and want to share. And as a club, we need to hear that information.
This is what we are going to try this year. We will have a 55-minute business meeting. We will have a ten-minute break while the speaker sets up. We need some time for sign ups and/or to make payments. The speaker will begin at 11:05 and speak for 40 minutes instead of 45. Then there will be time for questions and the raffle.
I know I sometimes ramble and I will really try not to. Last year several times committees asked to speak for 15 minutes. There is not enough time!! Please, please, please be concise.
We have an excellent website now and the newsletters are posted there. Since not everyone can attend every meeting, this is another avenue to share your information. Thank you.
I must also mention that to do all that we do, we need money. We had a very successful Tour and Faire but most of the money we made is already allocated.
We need the Tour and Faire to continue all of our projects. We need Tour Chair(s). Please seriously consider working with a friend or two to lead the 2025 Tour. We have gardens and most of the Tour committees are filled. We just somebody or more to coordinate and oversee.
And speaking of money. Our wonderful treasurer, Charlene, will reach her term limit at the end of this year. It would be easier if her successor began working with her now. Please consider becoming our new treasurer.
I have met so many wonderful, hardworking people through Garden Club. I am looking forward to another successful year.